Friday, December 22, 2017

Ideal Face Brick Sexist Attitude and Disregard for Law

Ideal Face, Ideal Face Bricks a local business in Pietermarirzburg's driver went through a red robot all most hitting into the side door where my child was sitting. Upon calling the company I was first told that everyone else does it so what's the problem.

Then I was told that WOMAN should not drive in town because WOMAN don't know how to drive in traffic and they hung up on me. So his driver cannot obey the law, and woman should not drive!!! WOW !The public need to know in this town what you think of woman and what sexist pigs you are and the extent of your lawless and disregard for the law!!!! Here is the true story: Driving from Save going right up Boshoff over the bridge towards the mall.
  1. The lane has a turn right fashing arrow in green. Cars go but when it flashes orange I stop like a good girl. When its green I go over the line ready for me to turn (as allowed by road rules) because I don't take risks and I am a good (WOMAN) driver I wait and do not jump the orange arrow.
  2. I wait and wait. Then it goes orange and then red. Because I am LONG over the line and in my legal right according to the K53 I go. I waited - orange then RED and two cars jump a red robot (you guys are idiots too!)
  3. Looks safe - been red for a while, surely no one will jump again and I go because its red and should be safe.
  4. You see Ideal face brick jumping the robot and so close to hitting me. He actually had to reverse back so I could continue to drive - that's how close he was.
Their response:
  • He was allowed because everyone does it. 
  • Woman are not allowed in town (listen carefully to the end he actually uses those words) 
  • They hang up, I called a second time to try and get the name and they hung up
  • Still my fault according to them they did nothing wrong!!